Archive | March, 2012

Talkin’ junk!

19 Mar

Junk food is so awesome! As an adult (1) on a diet (2) with a 3-year old that looks up to me (3 strikes!) I shouldn’t say such things but we all know it’s true. M&Ms, potato chips, oatmeal raisin cookies, pretzels, oh joy! My inner fat kid loves them all and decided it would be even more rockstar if they all could be rolled into one.

Imagine this: an oatmeal cookie with chocolate chips and M&Ms. But wait! Fold in crispy potato chips and stamp each one with a salty pretzel and voila! Genius was born.

Super duper delicious! The delicate balance of sweet and salty make this junk food filled cookie everything that it is. The pretzel bite in the middle is the best part! So sweet, so soft, so salty, so crispy, a perfect cookie when snacks are on the brain..and, around here, snacks are almost always on the brain.

They’re so high on the totem pole of my brain that they’re this month’s flavor of the month! A 6×6 box full of these marvelous beauties is just $12 and selling fast. But be careful, they’ll also be eaten fast, too.

Order your box today and enjoy the  splendor that is NelleBelle’s Junkies (junk + cookie = junkie, get it?). Trust me, they’re all the rage!

Until next time, have a delicious day!
